by LostinLiberalLand
I just finished a book that I believe should be a must read for every American.
The title is "While Europe Slept How Radical Islam Is Destroying The West From Within". The author is Bruce Bawer (someone I believe is not naturally inclined to take a conservative view, but through his experiences living in Europe came to conclusions that most conservatives would agree with).
This book revealed information about: the elite political and journalist class in Europe. The drone like agreement in public with that class by the average citizen although they may have different views in private, the anti-Semitesim that lays just below the surface in Europe, the massive immigration of Muslims, the segregation and lack of integration of those Muslims into mainstream society, how Muslims have taken over huge portions of many European cities where traditional laws are not enforced, police do not go and sharia law is taking over, how Muslims and liberals use the press to cry racism and xenophobia when anyone dares to point out what is happening, how freedom of the press is being voluntarily surrendered, how sharia law is slowly working it's way into European society, and how if current demographic trends continue Muslims will be the dominate population in Western Europe with in 15 to 30 years. the most frightening thing that is revealed is how while reading this you come to realize that America, although years behind, is heading down the same path.
If you are even remotely concerned about the future that faces your children and grandchildren I strongly suggest that you, and if old enough, they read this book.
Friday, November 2, 2007
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