Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thank You

by LostinLiberalLand

I was going to write about another subject today, but have decided to put that off as I have something I need to say.

Today is Veterans Day and I want to say thank you. Thank you to every soldier who has fought and died for this country and it's ideals. Thank you to every family who has lost a loved one to the protection of this country. Thank you to every soldier who has served in the armed services of this country during peace time doing their part to keep the peace. My special thanks to those who served in Viet Nam in my stead. I was an immature very skinny uncoordinated kid at 19 and I thank God every day that when it came my turn to be drafted I had a very high lottery number. To those of you that served in that war and came home only to be treated like villains I apologize. You did not deserve that in any way. What you did was honorable and righteous and what this country did to you was a travesty. I promise that as a citizen of this country I will fight to make sure that no soldiers will ever suffer such indignities again.

If you are serving in the military right now fighting the war on terror, God bless you and protect you. Please know that your cause is righteous and your efforts serve the greater good of this country and all of mankind. May you come home alive and well. Your service is appreciated more than words can express and it is a honor to be a citizen of the same country as people as noble as you. I thank your loved ones and pray that God bless them with your safe return home in the near future.

Thank you all for the freedoms that I enjoy. My freedom to write in this blog, worship a God of my understanding in a house of worship of my choice, to move about freely and chose a government of my choice. I will make it my mission to not abuse these freedoms and to educate others as to how lucky we are to live in this country.

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